Dr. 卡特 discusses what it means to be your "big self" during her remarks to the 上学校 students.
St. 卢克是学校的校长
2021年10月. 玛丽·哈尔平·卡特博士.D. 被命名为St。. 卢克的新校长. 在过去的十年里. 卡特 served as the beloved 和 transformative Head at The Derryfield School. 在宣布博士. 卡特的任命,前圣. 路加福音的董事会主席Jennifer L. Foster said “It is our assessment that Mary is the best culture fit, 拥有最适用的领导技能, brings strong alignment with our strategic direction, 能胜任我们的挑战吗, 并得到社区的支持,领导圣. 卢克成功地进入了未来.”
Dr. 卡特 encourages schools to aim high for students. In her words: "Developing students’ full potential is a powerful way for an institution with high academic st和ards to fulfill its mission 和 impact society. Schools that have mastered preparing students for college ought to see if they have the capacity to aim higher 和 prepare students to live fulfilling lives ... 创造有意义和快乐的生活."
玛丽·卡特被正式任命为圣. 卢克的 11th 校长 on October 13, 2022. 点击 在这里 欲知更多详情.
Dr. 玛丽·哈尔平·卡特,圣. 卢克是学校的校长
Students should feel deeply respected at school. 我想让每个孩子都知道, you are not just important to us 和 your family—the world also needs you to contribute 和 serve."
在加入St之前. 卢克的, Mary 卡特 served as 校长 at The Derryfield School, 一个男女同校的, 独立的, non-denominational day school located in Manchester, 新汉普郡, 服务6-12年级的400名学生.
Dr. 卡特 joined The Derryfield School in 1997. 在2012年成为校长之前, 她担任过各种职务, including Assistant 校长 for Faculty 和 Academic Programs (2010-2012), Dean of Faculty 和 Academic Programs (2008-2010), 高中校长(2006-2008), 教务长(2000-2001), 及招生主任(1997-2000).
Dr. 卡特 left Derryfield in 2001 to "raise three little people" with her husb和, 克里斯-孩子路易莎(25岁), 波利(23), 和 Martin (21) - but was enticed back in 2006.
在Derryfield之前,Dr. 卡特 worked at Newton North High School in Newton, MA as a 历史老师 和 tennis coach. 早些时候, she served as Director of Admission 和 金融援助, 历史老师, 和 coach at The Pingree School in South Hamilton, MA. Dr. 卡特 began her career at Harvard-Radcliffe Colleges in Cambridge, MA, implementing young alumni giving strategies as Assistant Director of the Harvard-Radcliffe Fund.
Launched a new academic program that focused on 21st-century skills, application of knowledge to real-world problems, project-based learning 和 student research. The new program was the product of a three-year faculty research, 规划, 培训工作, 和 it included the redesign of all courses, the modification of graduation requirements to include STEM 和 Design Thinking, the adoption of a new school schedule designed to reduce student stress 和 the addition of 40 exploration courses for passion pursuit.
Established “引领ing for the Common Good” program that, 为实现, entailed shaping upper school culture around inclusion 和 kindness. Associated curriculum is under development, 强调领导才能, 情商, ethical decision making 和 equity 和 inclusion.
开创了“路径”项目, featuring personal coaching for every upper school student to identify individual strengths 和 interests, 和 encourage participation in academic 和 extracurricular opportunities at Derryfield, 在整个地区和全球.
Developed “Portrait of a 中学 Learner” program, in which all middle school courses 和 advisories are aligned around helping students develop eight core learning skills.
Partnered with college counseling team to strengthen college counseling program, resulting in acceptance of 94% of students in Class of 2020 to at least one of their top three schools, 64%的人去了他们最好的学校.
带领11美元.600万资本运动, 这是学校历史上最大的, to fund construction of new science 和 innovation center, athletic 和 wellness center 和 tennis complex, 并增加100万美元的捐赠.
——马克·戴维斯(St .. 2002-2022年,卢克担任名誉校长
Mary has a confident 和 comfortable bearing that quickly establishes connection 和 trust in her as a leader. She is ready 和 eager to be the st和ard-bearer for the St. 卢克的 战略计划 和 has led major strategic change already. She knows how to plan 和 unleash the best work from those around her. Mary offers confidence, wisdom, 和 management skill that will be invaluable to St. 卢克的."
Mary embodies so many of the traits our community values. She is a highly accomplished, inspirational leader 和 她真心实意. She loves children 和 believes learning should be meaningful, challenging, 和 joyful."
St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), 新迦南的私立学校, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut 和 New York. Our exceptional academics 和 diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual 和 ethical development 和 prepare them for top colleges. St. 卢克的 Center for 领导 builds the commitment to serve 和 the confidence to lead.